Percy Jackson and the Olympians is an American fantasy television series created by Rick Riordan and Jonathan E. Steinberg for Disney+, based on the book series of the same name by Riordan. Walker Scobell stars as Percy Jackson, alongside Leah Sava Jeffries and Aryan Simhadri.
Philippines. February 8, 2024 –– With over 110 million hours* streamed to date, the Disney+ series “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” has been officially renewed for a second season.
Said Riordan: “I can’t wait to bring the next season of Percy Jackson to Disney+! Raise anchors. Hoist the mainsail. All hands on deck, demigods. We’re heading for the Sea of Monsters!”
For Disney Consumer Products, Hot Topic launched an assortment of apparel, while Barnes & Noble released a variety of stationery alongside the published books, inspired by the hit show. More pieces will continue to be revealed in the coming weeks from Hot Topic and Barnes & Noble.
Created by Rick Riordan and Jonathan E. Steinberg, season one of “Percy Jackson and the Olympians” is executive produced by Steinberg and Dan Shotz alongside Rick Riordan, Rebecca Riordan, The Gotham Group’s Ellen Goldsmith-Vein, Bert Salke, The Gotham Group’s Jeremy Bell and D.J. Goldberg, James Bobin, Jim Rowe, Monica Owusu-Breen, Anders Engström, Jet Wilkinson and Craig Silverstein.