The series follows 20 contestants from around the world over a year-long journey as they compete to become KATSEYE, a one-of-a-kind global girl group formed using KPOP methodologies. With unprecedented access, unfolding over eight episodes, the result is a compelling portrayal of the road to international stardom, including insight into the unique training and development program developed by HYBE and Geffen Records. Directed by Nadia Hallgren (Becoming) and produced by HYBE, Interscope Films and Boardwalk Pictures.
Premiere Date: August 21, 2024
Director: Award-winning filmmaker, Nadia Hallgren, who was at the helm of the four-time Emmy® nominated Netflix documentary, Becoming
Production Company: HYBE, Interscope Films and Boardwalk Pictures
Format: 8 x 50 minute episodes
Read everything you need to know about Pop Star Academy: KATSEYE on Tudum.
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