Columbia Pictures releases Monster Hunter official trailer

Monster Hunter official trailer

The bigger they are, the harder to kill.  Watch the official trailer of Columbia Pictures’ new fantasy action thriller Monster Hunter, in Philippine cinemas soon.

Based on the global video game series phenomenon, Monster Hunter is written for the screen and directed by Paul W.S. Anderson.  The film stars Milla Jovovich, Tony Jaa, Tip ‘T.I.’ Harris, Meagan Good, Diego Boneta, Josh Helman, Jin Au-Yeung and Ron Perlman.

Behind our world, there is another: a world of dangerous and powerful monsters that rule their domain with deadly ferocity. When an unexpected sandstorm transports Captain Artemis (Milla Jovovich) and her unit (TI Harris, Meagan Good, Diego Boneta) to a new world, the soldiers are shocked to discover that this hostile and unknown environment is home to enormous and terrifying monsters immune to their firepower.

In their desperate battle for survival, the unit encounters the mysterious Hunter (Tony Jaa), whose unique skills allow him to stay one step ahead of the powerful creatures. As Artemis and Hunter slowly build trust, she discovers that he is part of a team led by the Admiral (Ron Perlman). Facing a danger so great it could threaten to destroy their world, the brave warriors combine their unique abilities to band together for the ultimate showdown.

Watch the Monster Hunter official trailer below:

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