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Tagalog lines in Spiderman: No Way Home and other #PinoyPride Moments in Mainstream Entertainment

Whether or not we like to admit it, seeing the Filipino culture represented in mainstream media makes us beam with pride, or at least even smile a little bit. In the recent years, our identity’s place and recognition in the international scene has gotten bigger, and though there’s a long way to go in terms of establishing our footprint globally, the door has been opened and we’re rooting for the Filipino to shine even more!

Here are five moments in mainstream media that made us squeal, “Pinoy Pride!”

Ned Leeds’ ‘Lola’ Scolds Spidermans in Spider-Man: No Way Home

Year: 2022

Undoubtedly, Spider-Man: No Way Home was highly anticipated in the Philippines with a ton of social media posts of excited fans in various platforms pre-showing and during the actual release. Little did we know that this installment would shock its Filipino viewers when Ned Leeds’ (played by Fil-Am Jacob Balaton) scolded Spidermans (Andrew Garfield, Tony Maguire) from different universes. Albeit the scene was short and sweet, we definitely enjoyed this Pinoy Pride moment.

The Bourne Legacy Shot in the Philippines 

Year: 2012

It was the year 2012 and Filipinos were enthusiastically waiting to see the Philippines on the big screen. More than half of the movie was shot in the Philippines with a lot of special appearances of Filipino Actors—including one by veteran artist, John Arcilla. The movie ended with Rachel Weisz and Jeremy Renner sailing across the Palawan waters. What a wonderful way it was to showcase our country’s natural beauty!

SB19’ Tops Billboard Trending Chart for the 7th Week

Year: 2022

P-POP group, SB19 is now giving the world a slice of Filipino culture with modern music rooted in the Filipino identity. As of this writing, the 5-member group has surpassed the BTS’ stay in Billboard’s Hot Trending Songs chart with Bazinga and we couldn’t be prouder! SB19’s other hits include MAPA and What?

Black Eyed Pees Releases Bebot

Year: 2006

Who remembers the first time they learned that Bebot was actually a Black Eyed Pees song? The song inspired by Filipino member apl.de.ap’s childhood was played internationally and even garnered airtime in one of the episodes of hit television show, Ugly Betty!

Vanessa Hudgens Mentions Filipino Custom of Hugging in Princess Switch: Romancing The Star

Year: 2022

Vanessa Hudgets caught us by surprise when she casually mentioned “My family is from the Philippines. We do hugs!” towards the end of the movie when Stacy (Vanessa) reconciles with her cousin look-alike Fiona (also Vanessa). What an unexpected treat it was! The Fil-Am actress also recently mentioned wanting to do a film inspired by her Filipino mother, Gina Guangco-Hudgens.

We’re brown, we love rice, and we have a ton of fiestas. Admittedly, this barely scratches the surface of our identity, but yes, we’re proud to be FIlipinos. Here’s to more #PinoyPride moments!

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